Healing the spirit for over 40,000 years
The evolution of the human spirit is the evolution of creativity, and of art.
Photo by Concha Mayo on Unsplash
Art has been healing the spirit for over 40,000 years now. Art speaks to the spirit. When you work from your spirit, you and your life are more in line with what you came here to do and become.
Creativity is the key for survival for more reasons than just plain old survival. Creativity is also the key to being truly alive - being creative on any level is healing the spirit, whether creating a warm welcoming home or classroom, a nutritious meal, or clear communication with others in an organization.
Artists write books, plays, and songs, paint paintings, do performance art, sing those songs, take photographs, create films and act in them. Artists are the ones who invent brilliant new inventions, ask ‘what if?’, and dream big dreams about what can be.
Artists are healers, gardeners, philosophers, bakers, teachers, designers, poets, communicators, psychics. You don't need anyone else's approval to be an artist, you can be an artist now. Simply decide that you are and get busy creating.
Artists come in every size, color, gender, age, and package. Artists change the world, and help us all evolve. Human evolution is an art form.
This is a glorious time in history to be an artist, and there are more artists now than ever before.
Technology has made it effortless to share one’s art with the world. A painter can finish a painting, photograph it herself, and post it online, all in the same day. She can email its image to potential collectors, and enter art shows online. She has the means of production at her fingertips, and doesn’t have to wait for someone else to decide that her work is worthy of being seen.
This new reality is transformative for all of us. Technology + spirit + creativity = democracy. This is a time in our evolution when more people can see themselves as creators. The permission to make stuff is greater than ever.
The attacks and controls on the arts in the U.S. have done little to stop this creative flow. Actually, the opposite occurred. Artists are funny this way; give them a rigid structure to deal with and they will make art about it, endlessly. Yes, sometimes in resistance or anger, and often with amusement, but they will do it anyway.
The removal of art from schools is intended to place art out of reach for most people, when it’s quite the opposite - art is something you can have close to yourself every day. Governmental budget cuts that treat art as a luxury and war as a necessity are working backwards. If you’ve got a happy creative population of people on the planet, and everyone can see themselves as co-creators here, life changes radically.
Art isn’t a luxury, to be thought of last if we have a few more pennies to spend. Art is as necessary to the health and well being of the human race as clean air and water and healthy food. Why?
Art heals the human spirit.
The nightmare dystopian worlds created by many sci-fi and fantasy authors often portray dark scenarios in which humans are valued as little more than commodities, without regard for their humanity, their spirit. Hmmm… reminds me of something.
Art fosters communication, rebellion, strength, community. Art helps a child to see possibilities, to create new pictures for himself. Art makes no sense, cannot be controlled, has no words sometimes. Art does not need to explain itself. Art brings revolution and evolution. No wonder that some try to squash it, devalue it, and destroy it.
Art can be used to bridge gaps between people, to create communication where there was none. No language barrier exists while looking at a beautiful sculpture or listening to music. Art is the tool we have to see ourselves and each other as what we really are: spirit in human form.
"We the artists are the people that get to change the molecular structure of the hearts and minds of the people who live on this planet. Please don’t ever stop doing that, please don’t ever stop telling the truth.” -Billy Porter
©Kris Cahill