How do I find my art making inspiration?
I’ve learned that if I sit around and wait for inspiration to knock on the door and announce its arrival, I’ll be waiting a long time.
Ideas and inspiration show up from everywhere, all of the time, and the best thing I can do to welcome them into my studio is be present.
Working in a series
A series is a group of paintings that go together, though they don’t have to hang together for each to make sense to the viewer.
When I work in a series, I make sure that each painting has its own unique quality, its own energy.
Everything’s Falling Into Place
The title of this painting is a reminder to myself, as an artist and human being, to trust the process I have set into motion.
As many of my paintings have been, this one was a surprise when it showed up looking like this, and I wisely declared it complete.
My Love of Color
I wake up thinking about color.
My dreams are colorful, and I often remember a dream because of the colors in it. When I get dressed for the day it’s all about the color, which is also how I buy and/or make my clothing.
Experimenting to find the magic
One of the most valuable skills I’ve acquired over the years is the permission to experiment.
Experimenting is different from trying to produce a perfect completed product. Experimenting, in my experience, has been crucial to helping me find my way through so much in my life, creatively and otherwise.
Hanging out on the Astral Plane
The planets are dancing!
The music of the planets is beautiful to hear. The trick to hearing it is to really listen, which requires stillness, a valuable and sometimes rare commodity in these times.
The ‘Explosion Series’ started off innocently enough as an exploration into ‘how do I want to paint THIS time?’.
After years of not painting, (a conscious decision on my part in which I was creating and building my psychic practice and business, which also means I was choosing to create myself in a whole new way) - it became clear to me that it was time to paint again.
The Kimono Series
‘The Kimono Series’ is a group of 6 hand painted acrylic on vinyl kimono shaped paintings.
The 6 works in this series were painted between 1991-1993, and were shown separately and together in several gallery shows at that time.