The Forest I Remember
This is from a series of recent small scale paintings. Small in size, big in energy!
The trees in this forest are simple long narrow shapes, that from this distance resemble strange beings far more than they do trees. But no matter, this is the forest I remember.
Being an artist is for me first
As I’ve stepped back into having an art studio and painting again, I’ve updated and become more conscious about what being an artist means to me.
I took a break from painting in 2010, putting all of my energy into creating my psychic business, teaching classes, working with clients, and focusing on my writing.
Making art with spirit
Where does art come from?
Before any artwork takes shape as something that can be seen, it already exists as energy or spirit.
Working in a series
A series is a group of paintings that go together, though they don’t have to hang together for each to make sense to the viewer.
When I work in a series, I make sure that each painting has its own unique quality, its own energy.
Hanging out on the Astral Plane
The planets are dancing!
The music of the planets is beautiful to hear. The trick to hearing it is to really listen, which requires stillness, a valuable and sometimes rare commodity in these times.
The ‘Explosion Series’ started off innocently enough as an exploration into ‘how do I want to paint THIS time?’.
After years of not painting, (a conscious decision on my part in which I was creating and building my psychic practice and business, which also means I was choosing to create myself in a whole new way) - it became clear to me that it was time to paint again.